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Uncovering Learning Proccesses and Strategies in a Flipped English Course: A Case Study in Higher Education

Fang-Ying Yang
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan


Most research on flipped classrooms in language education and other disciplines focus on learners’ self-reported perceptions and their learning outcomes, which are influenced by the integrated learning experiences taking place both inside and outside of the class. To uncover the learning experiences of EFL students in a flipped course, it is therefore important to triangulate multiple data sources to systematically examine the learning processes and strategies across the two contexts. The present study implemented a flipped English course which aims to address students’ needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness as outlined in the Self-Determination Theory. The purpose was to examine EFL students’ pre-class learning strategies, in-class participation, and perceptions. The flipped classroom approach was implemented in an advanced English listening and discussion course in a northern university in Taiwan. Nineteen students enrolled in the 18-week course, and this study included a sample of 14 participants. In-class observations were conducted on 21 group discussions held during seven classes, with three discussions observed per class, and each participant was interviewed twice during the semester. Weekly learning logs and assignments were also collected as additional data sources. The findings indicate that the five most frequently employed strategies during pre-class preparation were metacognitive strategies (i.e., seeking and using resources, evaluating resources and learning outcomes, and paying attention to key components) and affective strategy (i.e., generating motivation). In-class group discussion was categorized into seven types, with more than half being collaborative while the others tended to be cooperative in nature. Moreover, the course components that particularly satisfied students’ needs of autonomy and relatedness served as intrinsic motivators, facilitating thorough course preparation and active group participation. Based on the findings, specific design features of a flipped English course in higher education are discussed.


Flipped English classroom, Self-Determination Theory, Learning strategies, Learner autonomy, Higher education

International Joint Conference of APLX, ETRA40, and TESPA 2023