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Teaching and Assessment Resources in Support of College Students’ EAP Enhancement

Anita Lin, Joyce Chin
Language Training & Testing Center (LTTC)


In line with the principles of learning-oriented assessment, this session aims to share with educators practical strategies and resources to enhance college students' English for Academic Purposes (EAP) competencies. The session will commence with an overview of core EAP competencies, followed by examples derived from the development of the BEST Test of English Proficiency (BESTEP). These examples will demonstrate how core EAP competencies have been explored to define specific learning objectives for assessment tasks and associated learning materials. This learning-oriented approach will enable EAP course instructors to effectively design learning and assessment tasks with a learner-centered focus. Additionally, the session will introduce EAP resources developed by the LTTC, such as the Official Guide to the BESTEP Speaking and Writing Tests and English Reading Power Up 2, which intend to provide educators with guidance for effectively enhancing their students’ EAP skills.

International Joint Conference of APLX, ETRA40, and TESPA 2023