Full paper submission deadline is August 10, 2023. Submitting your full paper is completely optional.
- Full papers will be reviewed, and selected papers will be published in Taiwan International ESP Journal (TIESPJ, indexed in TCI-HSS, ACI, and Scopus) as a special issue. Please follow the submission guidelines of TIESPJ.
- Articles and forums should be submitted electronically to iPress Online Submission System. Please also send an email to Ms. Joy Luo for confirmation with the subject as “2023 TIESPJ Special Issue”.
Types of Accepted Manuscript
Complying with the submission guidelines of Taiwan International ESP Journal, two types of submission are welcomed:
- articles up to 7,000 words that focus primarily on the areas of inquiry and development in ESP/EAP/CLIL/EMI
- forums up to 3,500 words that discuss researchers’ and practitioners’ reflections on their current pedagogical practices